Just another day in Paris

Settling into some sort of routine here. Landlord gone, girlfriend gone too, have a two bedroom, one dining, plus kitchen and bathroom all to myself in the heart of Paris. How good is that? Am I trustworthy or what? So this is the routine: I get up sometime, get dressed and walk to local boulangerie where lady greets me "Bonjour Monsieur!". Buy pastries for Carla and me, plus baguettes to make sandwiches to have during the day. Go home consume pastry and coffee and slowly think about what I shall do for the rest of the day. Which cultural landmarks shall I devour? Shall I read the paper in the Tuilleries or the Luxembourg gardens, no wait, I shall sit overlooking the glass pyramid at the Louvre. (Da Vinci Code anyone?). Then Carla and I have quality father daughter time over baguettes and wine. Then the whole cycle repeats itself.
Today Carla got the surprise of her life during her "routine" checkup at the dentist. Namely the aforementioned dentist suggested removing her wisdom tooth right then and there. Half an hour later she was back on the streets with a bleeding mouth. Sadly no baguette for Carla today, or pastry! All the more for me. Don't worry Anita, I treated her to soups, yoghurts, milkshakes and ice-cream, and not forgetting the yummy chocolate dessert you can buy in the yoghurt section of the supermarkets here.
peter, nice to be in Europe?
good photo's.
grtz Boet
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