Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
The artful dodger
Carla and myself were walking along the Seine, when just around the corner this woman pointed to a shiny object in our path. Wow, a solid gold ring, who would have thought? She exclaimed good luck for the happy finders. When we wanted to walk on she wondered if we could spare a little something. A few coins perhaps? Then it finally dawned on us . Evil gypsie woman ! Nearly, but not quite sucked in (Carla tells me she spotted a few gold molars in her mouth) .
On the other end of the begging spectrum, the same day two young blonde bronzed blue-eyed sorority type teenaged girls confidently approached us asking for 50 cents to buy a phone card. I sneeringly enquired where their parents were to which they answered "In Biarritz... we live there" (Of course this is only one of the wealthiest, most fashionable, surf, party coastal area in France. Think the Hamptons on the French Spanish coast). Carla moronically gave them the 50cents, feeling sorry for their spoilt uncreative childhood.
I have just injected myself with some medecine to get rid of a bloodclot in my lower leg , in addition to this I also have to wear this super strong support hose . It does not enhance the holiday experience , however I am determined to not allow it to interfere either
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
finally some news from Paris
So here i am then, back in Paris. Carla is going allright, we have just returned from an outing to a cheap local restaurant. Here in Paris also it seems that the hospitality industry is staffed by foreigners (mainly East europeans). Carla has her dental appointment tomorrow, and I have to make another appointment wif the doctor.Had a galette in the markets where Claudia andcarla also enjoyed this french style filled pancake.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
On Backpacker hostels, and clientele thereof.
Am writng this sunday morning UK time. This sure is an " interesting " place! As you know ,I returned to base pretty early last nite, as I did not fancy being on the street in this neighbourhood late . Allow me to set the scene for you in the "lounge". The lounge itself is a cavernous space , about 2/3 the size of the workshop. Against one wall hangs an enormous projection screen which is on 24/7 at loud volume. In said lounge people spill out of the kitchen (open 7am--10pm) with bowls of cereal etc. There are about half dozen internet terminals (1£/hr) and a pooltable. various backpackers from the world over congregate and hang. Now in contrast to the hostel in York , where there was a strict no alcohol rule, this one has a bar on the premises, where cheap beer is sold. As a result towards the end of the nite various drunks hang around. In addition to that some colourful characters from the 'hood come in to play pool (Mainly rasta guys ) So then i go and sleep . Later on one of the pissed guys stumbles in , and in the middle of the nite he lets fly with what is the most EXPLOSIVE farts I ever had the misfortune of hearing. It sounded like a firecracker going off , I am not kidding! I am sure he woke everone with that one. On a plus note it can be reported that the showers and toilets function well and are clean. Carla , daddy will be back in Paris around 10 tonite, will keep you informed about exact arrival time via sms , once I am in france. Au revoir everyonme.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Back in London
So here I am back in London. Travelled back this morning , train full of English football supporters , on their way to see their respective clubs being trashed by Arsenal or some such thing. Am writing this in a hostel in Lambeth Walk (I would not go as far as to say "dodgy", but I am not coming home late tonite!) Having a night in . Tomorrow I will travel back to France. Took a boatride from little Venice in London to Camden on a canalboat. One of those skinny contraptions. The trip goes right through regent's park and St John's wood , talk about ostentatious! and pricey! I bet. Anyway Camden is an absolute must for the likes of bargainhunters like mummy. You could easely spend days there shopping . It is worhwhile spending some time there , just to observe the characters . Punkheaven , alternative central more like. I tried to sneak some pix , see how it goes when I meet up wif carla again. I should then be able to upload some more fotos . The weather is still great I don' know what i have done to deserve this, but it sure adds another dimension to visiting Britain . In the background on a large projectionscreen the local version of the X factor (simon Callow , Sharon Osbourne as judges) is on. I can report that the standard of the talent is as atrocious as in Oz. See you soon.
Thursday, September 21, 2006

Well, so here I am then, in York. What can i say, it is a very compact and cosy kind of town , with a cute little town feel to it. You wouln't believe it Claudia, but as I sit here typing this I have just stepped out of York minster, where I went to evensong, complete wif boyschoir, The whole works!. How about that ! Steve Irwin's memorial service, and the bindi thing made the news here. The major local news is that Steve hammond , from Topgear (you know that mad carshow from the BBC , shown in oz on sbs), had a horrifying crash. Also Claudia , Nick Nearn is going to be in town next week, unfortunately I shall miss the event .
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Final post from Nederland, (for now)
Yester day , tuesday 18 sep , the sisters and myself had a day out in Maastricht.
Very nice. Tho we shared a very nice meal (In an Irish pub!!) , the whole experience was tinged wif a certain amount of melancholia, on account of my departing for the UK tomorroe (Wed). It was a truly happy occasion for all of us , without any rancour, snide remarks or some such things. I shall be visiting Brigitte and Mia , and make a final biketrip around the district. Well, I do hope "final", as in , "for this visit!". As I hope to be coming back here sometime soonish? , seeing that carla seems to have settled down here! (Don't panick Anita, only kidding!) The weather has been absolutely fantastic, and seeing that it is still sunny I will be making good use of it. I'll probably post tomorrow before i set off on my sojourn to the land of the Poms. Cheers , and keep well.XXX
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Things that could use improvement in Holland
More public toilets please. Or how about ANY public toilets!! Also , chubby , middleaged (or any aged guys for that matter) in too tite lycra bicycling gear !! It is not a good look. Cars , cars everywhere , thereby totally spoiling the general look and feel of the little medieval hamlets and towns here.
PS Attention members of the Bergses especially, you are supposed to post comments once in a while!